Calculated BLUP with current scores puts this foal at 107. Conformation of 108. Talent of 106. Tolt of 106.
This is one GOOD looking mare. Look at those shoulders. This is a very well bred Icelandic!
Sjöfn moves like Sjóli or even better showing very extended long & wide high movements.
Exceptional horses like Sjöfn do not come along that often.
She may even be the best horse that we have ever bred. Her neck naturally is almost verticle.
Sjöfn is very friendly and personable. She follows me around, though she has never
even been haltered to date.
Lineage of Sjöfn frá LoneStar
Sjöfn is For Sale. She is high lifting and very well bred.
Sjöfn's back hooves are standing on a large rock outcropping. She is not that high in the rear.
She naturally has a very raised neck/head. Look at the slope of that shoulder. In tolt, she should
be almost completely verticle, similar to Markus & Tigull, her grandfathers, who have 9 & 9.5
for tolt. Rarely, everything just seems to come together and a horse that is almost
perfect results. So far, Sjöfn appears to be one of those rare horses.
Sjöfn's mother Rut is 5 gaited. Her father, Sjóli, is 4 gaited. Sjöfn shows tolt with high lift
and trot with high suspension, just like her father.
Sjöfn is For Sale. With her high lifting, excellent conformation & strong lineage, she is high quality.
She will be a darker bay than her foal pictures indicate, probably a lot like Sjóli.
Her foal coat has darkened This is typical of Icelandic youngsters. She has now looks like Sjóli.
She has a beautiful face/head with very strong shoulders & wide back (can't see her back bone).
Sjöfn has matured into a a very powerful mare like her mother & father are.
These are now the three of the five most powerful horses on our farm.
Adult pictures coming this Spring.
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Gandálfur frá LoneStar -
Þrá frá Akureyri was breed to our Stefnir for a 2012 foal. Þrá should have foaled 1st.
That pinto colt finally arrived: May 28th, 2012 (Memorial Day). And this boy is huge!
Gandálfur is mostly black with small white side panels that join over his withers.
He has a small white patch around his white tail, which will have a black core in the middle.
He has three white stockings of various length, though all feet are white. His conformation
is very good (105). This is the best looking offspring that Stefnir has produced, which is saying
a lot. We have some very good looking young mares out of him, but Gandálfur may be the best.
He has a very long raised neck with an overall lean body build. Gandálfur is 5 gaited and
has Stefnir's natural Tolt. Þrá has out done herself again, though Þrá is a very
high quality mare. By the way Gandálfur is quite engaging, friendly and has lots of personality.
Picture below taken at a few months of age. Now he is 8+ years old, so pics are way out of date.
He's one good looking boy. Very tall, striking appearance and very lateral in his movements.
Gandálfur moves very much like I think his grandfather moved, very lateral, tolt oriented.
Gandálfur has an attractive strong build, as he has filled out nicely & gotten taller.
Putting weight on stallions that are kept with other very active stallions is NOT easy. ;-)
Will try and update his pictures soon ...
Pictures of him are coming this week: May 2022.
Lineage of Gandálfur
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Mánadís frá LoneStar
She is the offspring of 1st prize stallion Moli frá Skriðu and Harpa frá Skriðu arrived, 4-5-07
Grandsires (both 1st prize): Glampi fra Vatnsleysu & Galdur frá Sauðárkróki
Glampi has First Prize for his Offspring, which means he is a 'strong" breeding stallion.
Galdur frá Sauðárkróki (8.59 for talent) was one of the hottest
Icelandic horses ever. Mánadís has inherited some of her grandsire's fire.
Mánadís has also inherited Moli's lift as she can really move!! Sometimes when I come out
at after midnight to feed, I find Mánadís and Ljúfa flying around the large paddock.
She is five gatied and gaits most of the time, but she does trot too. She has well above average lift.
She traces her lineage to the following Honor Prize stallions/mares: Hrafn frá Holtsmúla,
Sörli frá Sauðárkróki, the 1st Prize Gustur frá Sauðárkróki
and the Honor Prize mares Siða frá Sauðárkróki and Siða's famous daughter
Hrafnhetta frá Sauðárkróki (from which Mánadís gets her unique color),
side panels and verticle rump stripes. Mánadís is a very curious mare. She is getting tall,
as her mother was over 14 hands.
Pic taken at 3.5+ years of age. She is about 9.5 years of age now. She is very active!
Mánadís has very flashy movemnets with four white stocking feet.
Mánadís' lineage
Mánadís is very much a cross between Galdur fra Sautharkorki & Moli. Her pace BLUP is very low
compared to what she has within her. Therefore her offspring's BLUP will be undervalued. The offspring
of Mánadís and Sjóli will have Tallent BLUP of 104 (hindered by a too low Pace score).
This offspring will have a conformattion BLUP of 106 & overall of 105.
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